
All Sibilla and Gypsy Fortune Telling Card Decks
The influence of Grimaud
Here you find all our Sibilla and Gypsy Fortune Telling Card Decks, from 1860 to 2025
About the classic Sibilla cards, there is unfortunately very little historical information.
The term Sibilla was derived from the ancient word Sibyl, which means as much as prophet, seer, oracle. The first mentions a sibyl go on Plato's works, back in the 4th centurie before Christ.
In classicism, the Sibilla term was resumed and printed in the form of divination cards, which reflecs situations and feelings.
It is believed that the Sibilla cards were also used by the Mlle Lenormand. The French artist Grandville created under the patronage of the French publisher Grimaud the Sibilla cards 'Sibylle des Salons' that were first published in 1840.
They were the first known Sibilla cards.
In 1850 is was also Grimaud who reduced this version of divination cards to 32 cards and he published the new deck with the title " Le Livre du Destin".
The symbolism was slightly modified in these cards and in the upper left corner were playing cards symbols.
Approx. 1870, when the original version of Grimaud revised again and the work " Le petit Cartomancièn " was created .
This kind of Sibilla cards had 36 cards, the symbolism was almost retained and the arrangement of playing cards symbols has been completely taken over .
These works were often copied by other European card printing companies and printed in a similar form .
The most popular edition of German Sibilla cards is a deck wich appeared around 1870 by Conrad Jegel entitled " Sibille , the fortune telling gypsy mother."
Almost all other versions of Sibilla cards are based on the original version of Grimaud .
You may look up the various versions on this site and compare the development of the pictures and the changes of the symbols of the Sibilla Cards in the last 150 year.
The Sibilla and Gypsy Fortune Telling Card Decks are listet among themselves sorted by date in ascending order.
If you like to know more about a special deck, please click on the correlated deck name.
A new page will open and you find more information abou the deck, the reverse site of the card, the box and instructions.
Below every deck you find the first 16 cards, that you easily can compare the particular decks.
If you like to see one card in a very big size, to see more details, please click on the correlated card.
It will open for you in a blank window.
Sibilla Cards - Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards
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